Sunday 14 September 2014

Family anecdon't

M: Jazzy, I'm having some family over this weekend.
Jazzy: Well, hooray for you.
M: I know yours are the other side of the rainbow...
Jazzy: Yours can't even sing a rainbow.
M: See- I think it might be best if you were out...doing something distracting...
Jazzy: Oh, so I'm not even allowed in my own house anymore.
M: It's not your-
Jazzy: You invited me to stay, didn't you?
M: Actually, I...
Jazzy: And your brother? He gets to be in the house?
M: He'll be here, yes.
Jazzy: The one that tried to ride me?
M: I said I was sorry. He's an idiot. And you didn't have to gallop through that hedge, you know.
Jazzy: I couldn't hear your directions over the screaming.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Unicorns are real

Neighbour: WHOA- I didn't think unicorns existed...
Jazzy: Did you know that you're talking out loud?
Neighbour: You talk!
Jazzy: And gore mercilessly.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Whatever happened to post

M: Jazzy, can you turn down the TV for a sec?
Jazzy: I could...
M: Ok. Well, will you?
Jazzy: Seems unlikely.
M: Come on. It's important. We need to talk about next door's mail.
Jazzy: Next door don't get any mail.
M: Yes, that's what Mr Burrow's worried about...they were expecting a package.
Jazzy: Talk to the postman.
M: We did.
Jazzy: Then you know he's a fraud.
Jazzy: I never heard back from the North Pole.
Jazzy: I signed for it, so it's mine.