Sunday 26 October 2014

Fine wines

M: I feel old. Not old old. Just not exactly young.
Jazzy: You know I heard someone on TV say something about...aging like a fine wine.
M: Hmm...
Jazzy: Yeh. You just stick it in a cabinet until it turns up on Cash in the Attic.

Boyfriend meets unicorn

M: Ok- you wanted to meet my boyfriend. So he's coming over for dinner in a bit.
Jazzy: Finally.
M: Be nice.
Jazzy: O-k. Did you tell him to be nice too?
M: He is. And that's him- Eric!
Jazzy: You don't look like an Eric.
Eric: Cheers. You look um...very sparkly.
Jazzy: Want to play a game, Eric?
Eric: Sure.
M: …..
Eric: Ah, you're getting the light in my eyes!
Jazzy: You're meant to chase it. He's not very quick, is he?
M: Jazzy, Put. The torch. Down. 
Jazzy: This is why cats are a better option.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Pokemon: the final stage

Professor Oak: Ash, I'm concerned.
Ash Ketchum: Don't be professor, it's just my battle wrist acting up.
Professor Oak: Of course. I was actually referring to your lifestyle.
Ash: I got a bit caught up in the quest, huh?
Professor: Well, violently so, yes...
Ash: But I did it, Professor. I caught them all. I am THE Pokemon master.
Professor: Ah, that. Ash, you were very young when we first talked about quests. I regret that now-
Ash: It's ok. The pressure and the extreme independence got me here-
Professor: No, not that. You were very literal.
Professor: Impressionable. When I said all of the Pokemon-
Ash: But look around! Look at it.
Professor: You've created a ball pit. A massive, volatile ball pit. Do you even know which Pokemon are which?
Ash: Yes! We know every Pokemon that ever lived, right Brock?
Professor: Brock left two weeks ago. After you chased him with a harpoon in your sleep.
Ash: Oh. Fine. Pikachu will celebrate with me. Pikachu? Pikachu!
Professor: He's under that pile somewhere, isn't he? Masterful.